Scientists in the field of eye and lung research working together to find a therapy for age-related macular degeneration (AMD)? This extraordinary combination resulted in the development of our new study CAMBio, that just won a research award from the “Freifrau von Nauendorf” foundation.
Juliane Schikora and Prof. Diana Pauly from our group as well as Dr. Anna Lena Jung from the i-Lung Institute of Lung Research at the University of Marburg created “CAMBio – Classification of Age-related Macular degeneration by Biomarkers”. Together with the eye clinic of the University Hospital Marburg, we will characterize AMD stage and extent by immunological biomarkers. The project is based on a detailed proband stratification and biomarker analysis in aqueous humor. The goal is to find novel biomarkers and new therapeutical targets for AMD as well as to help elucidate the still unknown pathomechanisms. This will serve as a first step to a more personalized and patient-individual AMD medicine.
The “Freifrau von Nauendorf” foundation was founded in 2001 by a benefactress that suffered from AMD herself. Each year the jury awards a prize to an innovative project that promotes AMD research. This year we had the honor to be selected. In October at the press club in Wiesbaden we presented CAMBio’s project plan and received the research award from the foundation.

Here you can read the press release from the University of Marburg:
Now we are ready to start with CAMBio!