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  • hannahnorawolf

Celebrating Success and Spreading Joy: A Festive Greeting from Us

As we approach the close of this remarkable year, we find ourselves reflecting on the incredible journey we've shared as a laboratory group. This festive season, we extend our warmest wishes to each and every one of you—Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

The past year has been marked by significant milestones and memorable moments that have shaped our collective journey. We welcomed four internship students to our lab, and it was a joy to see Jasmin and Antonia decide to continue their academic journey with us by embarking on their master's theses. Their commitment and passion have added immense value to our research endeavors.

Our group summer activity in the botanical garden of the University Marburg, featuring llamas, was a delightful experience that strengthened our bonds.

Our valued partnerships with eye research groups from Gießen and Marburg have flourished throughout the year, broadening our understanding and advancing our contributions to the field.

Hosting the SciFiMed EU project meeting at our facilities was a resounding success. The collaboration with project partners, filled with lab workshops and engaging discussions, has propelled our collective efforts towards innovative scientific breakthroughs.

In addition to our professional accomplishments, we celebrated the spirit of the season as a group. A visit to the Christmas market together immersed us in the festive atmosphere, creating cherished memories. Our traditional Christmas breakfast at Cafe Großartig was a heartwarming experience, bringing us together to share good food and laughter.

Following the breakfast, we embraced the festive spirit by cleaning our laboratories with the backdrop of cheerful Christmas music—a joyful way to wrap up the year.

May the spirit of the season fill your hearts with joy, and may the coming year bring even greater opportunities for discovery and collaboration. Wishing you a festive season filled with warmth, laughter, and the company of loved ones.

Here's to a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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