As a scientist you sometimes take part in big international conferences with thousands of attendees. While it is a good opportunity to connect with international people, this can be a little intimidating and make you feel like a small PhD student in the big research world. Then again, you can visit smaller national conferences that have a more familial atmosphere. At the end of March Diana, Vero and me participated in a conference of the latter type, the ProRetina Potsdam Meeting. Every year the ProRetina organizes a research colloquium that brings together groups to discuss new aspects in retinal degeneration research.
Where? Potsdam, Germany
What? 17th PRO RETINA Research-Colloquium on Retinal Degeneration
Who? Diana, Vero, Juliane
Contributions? Poster of Juliane
This years’ hot topics chosen by the organizers were inherited retinal disorders and retinitis pigmentosa with a special focus on genetics. The second topic was artificial intelligence (AI) in ophthalmology which presented innovative AI-based approaches. And lastly, a session about AMD research and clinical translation kept the audience updated with newest results.
The meeting was a lovely and interesting opportunity to connect with other scientists from the retina research field and exchange new ideas. A special highlight was, as always, the evening poster session which was accompanied by wine, live music and interesting discussions. Maybe you also got to see Diana and Franz Badura start a dance!
We are already looking forward to the next Potsdam Meeting of the ProRetina!
